What is Vasilis Skarleas Service ?
On this diretcory you can find study cases of different apps developed by Vasileios Filippos Skarleas, as well as to-the-point support articles for our customers. Below you can find teh catalog of our services:
- Vasilis Skarleas Media: Directory for all the video, podcast and music productions and operations. Marketing and promotion for this type of services is included as well.
- Vasilis Skarleas Domains: Directory that provides domain name solutions free and paid ones. Vasilis Skarleas is an official domain name reseller at Papaki Ltd.
- Vasilis Skarleas Group: We develop web apps and websites for next-level companies and public figures.
- Vasilis Skarleas Analytics (BETA): Yes you are right, we are building our very own analytics systems with advanced metrics and unparalleled security. This service since it's deployed from our Network, your website and developed services by our team (including the ones provided by Vasilis Skarleas Cloud) take 0ms connection which improves users experience, loading times and while you are in charge of your visitors data.
- Vasilis Skarleas Cloud: This is the heart of many developed systems. Provides authentication services to the apps developed by us, assets to online applications, access to the internal systems of your website, an overview of your Vasilis Skarleas Services and many more features.
For any question you can reach out to us at contact@madebyvasilis.site